Consistent with the adjustments to the school calendar introduced in DO 0 12 , s . 2021 titled , “ Amendment to DepEd Order No 030 , s . 2020 ” , remedial , advancement , and enrichment classes for Summer 2021 shall be conducted from Ju l y 19 , 2021 to August 21 , 2 02 1 . This follows DO 13 , s . 2018 titled , " Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of Remedial and Advancement Classes During Summer for the K to 12 Basic Education Program " , which stipulates that remedial and advancement classes must be completed within a six - week period that may include Saturdays . Nevertheless , schools may opt to shorten the conduct of remedial and advancement classes when the essential learning competencies have already been attained .
Guidelines on th e computation of fi n al grades , including the utilization of alternative tools and strategies for assessing and supporting learning , a re stipulated in DO 031 , s . 2020 titled , “ Interim Policy Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in Light of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan " , which provides the basis for assessing student learning and giving grades for SY 2020 - 20 21 . On the other hand , guidelines on learner ' s p r ogress report , as well as on promotion a nd retentio n , shall follow th e provisions cited in DO 8 , s . 2015 titled , “ Policy Guidelines on Classroom As se ssment for K to 12 Basic Education Prog ram " .
DO 13 , s . 2018 further stipulates that remedial lessons can be made in the form of tutorial , mentoring , coaching , or other ways of delivering the organized learning experiences , whichever is applicable in the context of the learners . However , to ensure the protection of the health and safety of learners , teachers , and personnel , as well as parents and other stakeholders , only distance learning modalities will be used , and any face - to - face activities are not allowed .
Pursuant to Item VI ( 11 ) of DO 13 , s . 2 0 18 , schools that intend to offer remedial or advancement classes during summer are required to submit a Letter of Request to their respective schools division office ( SDO ) . Under these guidelines , SDOs are advised to accept applications up to three days before the start of the summer class e s .
School heads ( SHS) shall decide on the specific details of such classes , subject to th e a pproval of their respective schools division superintendent ( SDS ) , an d in consideration of the following guidelines :
a . For Grades 1 to SHS Learners
R e mediation clas ses . As mandated by DO 8 , s . 2015 , a learner who receives a grade lower than 75 in any subject must be given intervention through remediation and must pass the said remedial classes to be promoted to the next grade level . The guidelines for such remedial classes are stipulated in DO 13 , s . 2 0 1 8 .
Alternatively , learners with failing marks in any learning area may instead be required to attend make - up classes during the SY 2021 - 2022 . Schools that opt to conduct such make - up classes in place of remedial classes during the summer term shall be required to prepare and submit an implementation plan before the start of the school year , subject to the approval of their SDS . This plan shal l allo w learners to go beyond regular schedules under any distance l ea rning modality t o a ttend after - class i nt erventions in the subject area / s in which they failed .
b . F or S HS Learners Only
Advancement classes . Schools may offe r ad vancement classe s to SHS learners who opt to a . pursue their work immersion prior to the start of SY 2 02 1 - 2022
following the options stipulated in DO 30 , s . 2017 titled , Guidelines for
Work Immersion ; or b . take advance subjects prior to SY 2021 - 2022 to give more attention or
focus to their work immersion in the succeeding semester .
As stated in DO 13 , s . 2018 , learners may take advancement classes for two to three subjects within the six - week period on a voluntary basis . In delivering distance learning , Modular Learning in print or digital format shall be a dopted using Self - Learning Modules ( SLMs ) or Alternative Delivery Mode ( ADM ) self instructional modules on competencies in subject areas in which the learner failed . Schools shall consider the learner ' s access to home - based internet before utilizing an online platform for distance learning . Learners with internet connectivity at home are also encourage d to access learnin g a ctivities an d other interactive resources through http s : / / c ommons . d ep ed . g ov . ph . The use of video lessons / TV episodes from DepEd TV and / or radio lessons are highly encouraged to complement the SLMs while the learners are learning from home .
8 The assignment of public school teachers to handle remedial or advancement classes in any of the aforementioned modalities shall be subject to the grant of service credits based on DO 53 , s . 2003 titled , “ Updated Guidelines on the Grant of Vacation Service Credits to Teachers ” , and DO 5 , s . 2004 titled , “ Eligibility of Remedial Instruction Classes for Grant of Vacation Service Credits ” . Teachers who volunteer their services to facilitate summer remedial or advancement classes shall be given priority .
Schools division superintendents , supervisors , and school heads of public and private schools a re enjoined to exercise prudence in making decisions o n learner remediation particularly during this period of health crisis . Attainment of learning standards without putting anyone ' s health in peril shall remain top priority of the Department .
How to Conduct of Remedial and Advancement Classes During Summer 2021 Reviewed by theteacherscraft on July 08, 2021 Rating: 5