Three things to know about credit report disputes. First, a credit report dispute is when you notify a credit bureau like Equifax about something being wrong. Next is how to file a dispute with Equifax. Create or sign into your free MyEquifax account to file a credit dispute on your Equifax account. Third, you'll get the results of the dispute investigation within 30 days. [Duration- 1:00]
When reviewing your credit reports, it’s important to make sure all of the information is complete and accurate. This includes everything from the account information to the other personal information that’s on your credit report such as your home address, name, and Social Security number.
By law, credit bureaus and the lenders and creditors that report information to them are both responsible for correcting inaccurate or incomplete information on your credit report.
Here are some steps you can take to address information you believe is inaccurate or incomplete:
You can dispute any of the following:
• Personal information: Your name, addresses, Social Security number or date of birth.
• Account information you believe is inaccurate or incomplete: For example, if late payments are being reported on one of your accounts but you have always paid your balance on time and in full.
• Mixed credit files: If someone else's information is being reported on your credit file. This may happen if a father and son (Sr. and Jr.) have the same name, for instance.
• Duplicate reporting of an item: One example might be a debt listed twice.
• Information that may indicate fraud or identity theft: These would be credit accounts, including collection accounts, on your credit report that you don't recognize.
Whether you’re contacting a lender or the credit bureaus, provide all the evidence and documents you can to support your dispute, such as an account statement verifying an account balance. Give details about why you believe the information in the credit report is inaccurate or incomplete.
If you file a dispute with the three nationwide credit bureaus, you can generally expect to receive the results of your dispute within 30 days. If the information is found to be inaccurate, your credit reports will be updated, generally within about 30 days.
If the result of the investigation finds that the information is accurate, it will remain on your credit reports. If you still believe the information is inaccurate or incomplete, and you have additional information that can help support your dispute, you can file your dispute again with the credit bureau. You also have the option to provide a brief statement on your credit reports summarizing your dispute, which can help explain your situation. Or you could contact the creditor to attempt to resolve the issue.
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